Welcome to the Clubhouse!

Join, Share & Earn at the Clubhouse!

Fundraising success starts right here at the Clubhouse!

Are you ready to take your school fundraising efforts to the next level? Look no further! The Clubhouse is your ultimate destination for unlocking the full potential of your fundraising campaign. The Clubhouse is a safe, and secure, and user-friendly platform designed to maintain a personal connection between the participants and their supporters while supercharging your fundraising efforts.

Club's Choice exclusive

The Clubhouse puts the parent & student in control!


Register to track your fundraiser progress


Share to grow your fundraiser


Earn rewards for sharing

Clubhouse Registration

The Clubhouse is where participants (students/families) JOIN to become esteemed Clubhouse Members. But it's not just about joining—it's about embarking on a journey towards fundraising excellence. As a Clubhouse Member, you gain access to exclusive tools, resources, and opportunities tailored to enhance your fundraising efforts.

Clubhouse Sharing

At the Clubhouse, we believe in the power of SHARING. With innovative and exciting ways to spread the word about your fundraiser, Clubhouse Members can reach out to family and friends like never before. Our member-exclusive sharing features ensure your fundraising message resonates far and wide, maximizing your impact and success.

Clubhouse Success

But that's not all. Here at the Clubhouse, we're all about EARNING success. As you rally support from your social network, you’ll unlock fantastic rewards and incentives reserved only for our esteemed members. From "Member Only" promotional contests to exclusive giveaways, the opportunities to earn rewards and recognition are endless.

So why wait? Join the Clubhouse today and elevate your school fundraising experience to new heights. It's time to make a difference, share your passion, and earn the success you deserve—all while having a blast along the way!